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The accompaniment app for musicians

7-day Free Trial • then $70.00 / year

Enjoy premium access on all your devices: iOS, macOS, Android, and our website.

How your free trial works

100  000+ musicians love playing with Metronaut

An absolutely amazing app!

Five stars illustration

Metronaut is an excellent tool for students and teachers. There is a wide selection of pieces for all instruments, suited for all levels, from beginners to advanced players. I love it!

I can practice with an orchestra

Five stars illustration

I've been using this app for over a year, and it has improved every aspect of my practice. I can work on my flute pieces at any tempo with accompaniment. There is an immense sheet music library. I highly recommend it!

A must-have for teachers!

Five stars illustration

Change key, clef, print, etc. A great variety of sheet music. It has everything you need. It's really worth it! Thank you.

I love it!

Five stars illustration

This app makes practicing so much fun! I love being able to slow down the tempo to a point where I can play along with the accompaniment. I really enjoy playing at the same time. Thank you for this wonderful app!

Very useful!

Five stars illustration

My saxophone teacher didn't know about the app, I asked him what he thought, and now part of our lessons is done with this app.

11 000+ music sheets with professional accompaniments

Enjoy our growing catalog of high quality music accompaniments :

  • Repertoire
  • Classical hits transcribed and simplifed for all levels
  • Educational pieces
  • Movie soundtracks, Pop, Jazz, RnB and even more

Experience the interactive sheet music

Play with sheet music that scrolls automatically in sync with the accompaniment as you play.

Play or sing challenging pieces by adjusting the tempo of the accompaniment.

You can also print the sheet music, change the key, transpose, and much more...

One subscription for all your devices

Enjoy Metronaut Premium on all your devices and online:
iOS, Android, macOS, and web — with just one subscription and a single account.

Frequently Asked Questions about Metronaut Premium

Start your 7-day free trial today and unlock all scores and features

No obligations or commitments
Unlimited access to the full sheet music catalog
Powerful tools to enhance your practice
Seamless access on all your devices

Metronaut by Antescofo

Metronaut: Your Partner for Innovative Music Practice and Learning

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