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Привид Опери – Duet

Ендрю Ллойд Веббер

Step into the musical world of "The Phantom of the Opera"! Immerse yourself in the haunting melodies and captivating storyline of Andrew Lloyd Webber's iconic musical.\n\nThis story tells the tale of a mysterious masked figure who haunts the Paris Opera House, captivating audiences with his mesmerizing voice and tragic love story. Find Phantom of the Opera sheet music for Christine or the Phantom's part on Metronaut.\n\nExperience the thrill of performing "The Phantom of the Opera" theme with our high-quality digital sheet music, available to access, download and print on the Metronaut app. With adjustable transpositions and audio playback features, you can tailor your performance to your liking. Start playing today and let the music transport you to the mysterious world of the Phantom — or, discover more music from famous musicals!
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Середній рівень складності з оркестромНаписано для Female Voice

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