August Updates: What's new?
It’s been some time since our last big product update. Here is a sum up of what’s new on Metronaut’s world!

It’s been some time since our last big product update. Here is a sum up of what’s new on Metronaut’s world!
1. Print or not to print, that is the question.
Highly requested feature alert! This is not a drill: Print is here. Thanks to our latest release, Metronaut’s world has been shaken up. Okay, I’m overreacting but picture this: You’re now able to print any music sheet available in the catalog! It’s so simple.
2. What’s new in the catalog ?
Charles Gounod - Funeral March of a Marionette - 1910
3. 5 Most Beautiful Classical Pieces for Violin
Have a look at our last blog article if you are looking for a music piece that will help you perfect your practice. Discover in this article a selection of the 5 most beautiful classical masterpieces for confirmed violinists. Read the article
4. Let’s blow out the candles in the moonlight!
Well it was Claude Debussy’s 152nd birthday! We celebrated one of the most influential composers of all time… I always imagine a quiet place in Paris with a light fog along the cobbled streets while listening to the magical melody of Clair de Lune. We created a special collection in his honor.
5. Metronaut is on Instagram!
We are glad to announce that we’ve reached 7K followers on instagram. Thanks a lot for your support!